healthy smile is powerful; it impacts personal and social interactions,
psychological health and overall wellness. Cosmetic dentistry, the field of
dentistry focused primarily on the aesthetics of teeth, has helped patients
achieve healthy, attractive smiles. Cosmetic procedures such as dentures and
fillings have changed throughout the centuries, evolving from rudimentary and
often painful methods, to the safe treatments available today.
Cosmetic dentists today have a
variety of methods that not only improve the beauty of a smile but also
increase the entire dentition’s function. These treatments are focus on sustaining
the health and well-being of the whole mouth as well as creating a more
beautiful smile. Some
of these dual-purpose cosmetic procedures include:
and Onlays
and Bridges
Surgery and Restorations
Cosmetic Dentistry in Torrance: The Healthy Option
some may argue that cosmetic dental procedures are unnecessary, many procedures
actually target and correct damage caused by dental conditions. For example, several
cosmetic procedures and therapies address the damaging effects of tooth
misalignment. Other treatments, such as fillings, involve removing pockets of
infection, halting the spread of disease, while also preventing a recurrence of
dental decay. Still others, such as tooth restoration procedures and veneers,
reinforce weakened dental structures while providing structural rehabilitation
to the smile.
procedures that improve dental health can be considered cosmetically
beneficial; clean and healthy teeth and gums look better, and they promote and
support a healthier lifestyle. Good dental health is also an indicator of
overall wellness; advancements have demonstrated a direct link between poor
dental health and a plethora of medical and physical problems, such as heart
conditions, stroke, and diabetes.
advancements have also helped patients achieve a greater level of comfort
during care. Cosmetic procedures utilize biocompatible material as well as
innovative technology to create more effective, longer lasting treatment plans.
These more advanced techniques also help encourage better oral hygiene
post-treatment, improving the patient’s overall oral health.
you are looking to improve your smile, contact Blue Sky Family Dental inTorrance. Dr. Mondavi is dedicated to improving oral health with an artistic
approach to beautiful results. Schedule an appointment today to learn more
about improving your smile and oral health with cosmetic dentistry.